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Cory Wilaby

"Here stands a man that can create a diamond with his bare hands."

Born in USA, 1982

Skills include: Graphic Design, Photography, Photo Retouch, Video Editing, Drawing, Painting, and general Tom Foolery.

Now that I have introduced myself, let's get this show on the road shall we? Since I'm here, I might as well state a few life's goals. I don't believe "everything happens for a reason", however, I do feel I was put on this planet for a reason, and that reason is to make a huge impact on something. As of now and for always, I will remain a work in progress. This is because I am aware that nothing is complete, and the fulfillment of my destiny is an always ongoing process. I don't believe in stagnancy. I don't believe in satisfaction. And I don't believe in comfort or mediocracy, nor the state of content. I believe in a constant appetite for accomplishment. My voracity knows no bounds and I'm always reaching for the next big challenge. So strap on your seat belts, the ride has just begun.                          

                                                                                                                    -Cory Wilaby

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